Saturday, June 26, 2010

*Concept from Chapter 5*

The concept I found interesting in Chapter 5 was, "Personal Space". Many of us are aware of this term and that we like our space to breathe. Whether it be walking on the streets or even on the road, cars tail gating us. We seem to like our personal space in several different public situations. "Personal space, acts as a kind of portable territory that we carry with us wherever we go." (Trenholm. P. 128) We like our space on trains, buses or at a public super market, wherever life may bring us. Although our ideas of personal space may be very different from one another. As for Eastern Culture, their more of a group society and like being right next to another, shoulder to shoulder. Our society is different in that aspect and we like to keep our distance. We may even feel too crowded and that our personal space has been violated. "If others come too close, we move away until we feel comfortable." (Trenholm. P. 128) Unless of course, we're interested in the other person and are cuddled up close, because we like the person. All and all, we seem to like our personal space unless someone close within our social circle. As for me, I don't mind the personal space so much. If meeting someone, I don't shake hands, I give them a hug. By doing that, I may be violating someones personal space; although they don't' seem to mind.

Friday, June 25, 2010

*Do men and women use language differently?*

Yes, men and women certainly do use language differently. Both genders are built very differently and our minds focus on different things. For example, women are more visual and multi-taskers. While men are one track minded and focus on the today's result. While giving directions, women are most likely going to describe the streets store locations and/or the color of the houses. When men will describe more "army base", the streets names and the compass point. And of course the most talked about, "feelings"; women tend to be more sensitive and more in tuned with their feelings. While men tend to be more on the surface and are taught not to show emotion. They have emotion as well, though they are pushed away from showing "weakness" or tenderness. Therefore, we use language differently. Women will give a man hint after hint, beating around the bush and leaving the man guessing. But men are problem solvers and they first need to know the problem. So ladies, let's be easier on our men and speak their language; because they're not going to speak our language anytime soon.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

*First Impressions, do we judge right off the bat?*

By nature, everyone has first impressions on one another. The old saying goes, "First impressions are important." This holds truth, we need to "dress" the part, especially on important first meetings such as; interviews or to an important meeting. Because once a person makes up their first impressions mind, it takes more energy to stir the person in the other direction. We judge one another based on age, gender, race or even social crowd. A lot has to do with how we were raised and also our experiences. If we had a bad experience with a certain kind of person, our minds automatically have negative vibes. After time and keeping positive, is when a bad judgement on someone can disappear. The media also is very racist, in all aspects of race, gender, religion or even the social crowd. Our minds constantly are overwhelm with negativity on how we're suppose to feel or act in a certain situation. Therefore, it is not possible to perceive others without first judging them. It's our human instincts and our pre-judgments get in the way of getting to know someone great. Overall, it is up to us as individuals to clear our minds and have an open mind. We shouldn't allow negative vibes or false judgments get in the way. Give the person the benefit of the doubt, you most likely will find common grounds with the person and be glad you gave it a shot.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

*Concept from Chapter 10*

One concept I found interesting in Chapter 10 was, "The Audience Adaptation". The reason I found this useful is, I'd like to be able to connect with an audience while speaking. I've had jobs that have allowed me to speak infront of a large audience. The jobs consisted of media and marketing gigs. And I was one of the representative's for the company. I've been prepared and knew excactly the message I'd give; although, I felt like I just told the message. Rather then actually connecting with the audience. "A good communicator uses information about the audience in constructing at least threee aspects of a speech; it's central ideas and structure, it's supporting materials and it's style." (Trenholm P. 278) Mainly my speeches were to inform the audience about an up coming event, prize give-a-ways and about the company. The number of people in the audience ranged from 10-100's of people. For the most part, it wasn't the number of people in the audience that intimidated me, it was me leaving the stage thinking to myself, "did I make an impact on the audience?" And I remember feeling like I wanted to interact and connect with the audience. "The structure of the speech should also be adapted to the beliefs of audience memebers." (Trenholm P. 278) This would have been useful, to be able to know how to adapt to the audience and how to relay out the message, so I can speak their tone and style. I should have thought more about the audience beliefs and interests. Also the age or gender group. I think of myself as a decent speaker, that is prepared about my speech. Although, after reading about The Audience Adaptation, I will research the audience more. So I'm aware of their common ground, interests and using a familiar style of speech. I can certainly use this on my next speech and gain the audiences attention on a deeper level.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

*Influenced by a speaker*

When thinking about an influential speaker, pastor at my church came to mind. His name is Pastor Mike, he really knows how to relay out a message and create the message so we can use it within our own lives. He's not a boring, old fashion pastor speaker; he communicates the message to us as an adult audience. He also uses props and video clips, for visual learners and I'm one of them. Each 5-8 weeks he has a different series he speaks on and his main purpose is to communicate it to us, so we understand and hear the good in the message. He really is a motivator, encourager and a personable speaker. He makes you feel like you're the only one in the audience and has the kind of approach that makes you want to come back. On the other hand, pastors need vacations too; so therefore they have guest speakers. I've seen guest speakers there before but this one time, the church didn't select the best pastor to guest speak. Or it also may be, different styles of communicating or where they are from. This man had a Texas accent (nothinng wrong with Texans) He was just hard to understand with some words. He also was an older man, so his style of communicating to the church was a more old fashion western kind of way. It may have been unfamiliar environment and that he didn't know the audience. He wasn't as personable and wanted to just talk for the sake of talking. He didn't make clear points and rambled on a lot off topic. I also noticed he kept repeating "you people", when normally a speaker would say "you" and make you feel like the only one in the audience. Who knows, maybe "you people" is a Texan thing. Overall, I was happy when Pastor Mike came back, his style and way of communicating a message is a better approach.

Friday, June 18, 2010

*The Social Constructionist perspective

From the moment we are born, we are thrown into a world set with ways of thinking, a certain year and location. We are taught from our guardians and teachers/mentors what is right and wrong. Our own world begins to mold as we communicate more with our peers, guardians and mentors. "We construct our world through communication." (Trenholm P. 30) A lot has to do with where we grew up, our generation, the people we hung out with and even the family we were born into. Each generation has different ways of thinking and have different perspectives on life. The media has changed a lot as well and the leaders in the office, our presidents. For my parents generation, it was a huge deal to have a man of "color" as president and for my generation, we're more open minded to new changes. As far as the TV news media, it is always a hot topic in the United States and we seem to focus more on what kind of dog Paris Hilton has, or what celebrity got the latest DUI or even the latest divorce. And also what the latest hot fashion trends are and how to dress more scandalous. I've had the chance to travel out to England and Australia and noticed their TV news is very different then ours. The news focused more on politics and world news. Not much about celebrity gossip or worthless news. And the people seemed more down to earth, not as much into their looks or having the latest hot item to own. Our culture feeds off of having the latest and greatest, mimicking celebrity fashion trends and/or getting plastic surgery done. Overall, living here in the United States can have it's pro's and con's. We live in the "land of the free" and plenty of tools with great opportunities. Although, it can be very expensive to live here, we seem to consume more then we can own and are obessed with our looks. People in England and Australia seemed more relaxed, down to earth and not so up-tight. Let's not work ourselves to the ground, to just to "fit in". Dare to be different and communicate that concept to another person!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

*Introductory post*

To Professor Carol Perez and classmates,

Hi! Firstoff, welcome to Summer session 2010! I'm glad the sun is out to play, because on my h/w breaks, I'll catch some sun too! Of course outside of working part time too; oh the life of being an independent women, working hard to pay those bills! Like most, I try my best to live a balanced life, school, work, family/friends, sports and church! Some days being over productive can get the best of me, but at the sametime I love it and enjoy being on the go-go! It makes me appreciate what I have and not to take anything for granted! This pretty much sums me up and I'd like to remind you all to be motivators and encourages! Theres no better feeling then being a helping hand and learning from others along the way.

