Sunday, June 20, 2010

*Concept from Chapter 10*

One concept I found interesting in Chapter 10 was, "The Audience Adaptation". The reason I found this useful is, I'd like to be able to connect with an audience while speaking. I've had jobs that have allowed me to speak infront of a large audience. The jobs consisted of media and marketing gigs. And I was one of the representative's for the company. I've been prepared and knew excactly the message I'd give; although, I felt like I just told the message. Rather then actually connecting with the audience. "A good communicator uses information about the audience in constructing at least threee aspects of a speech; it's central ideas and structure, it's supporting materials and it's style." (Trenholm P. 278) Mainly my speeches were to inform the audience about an up coming event, prize give-a-ways and about the company. The number of people in the audience ranged from 10-100's of people. For the most part, it wasn't the number of people in the audience that intimidated me, it was me leaving the stage thinking to myself, "did I make an impact on the audience?" And I remember feeling like I wanted to interact and connect with the audience. "The structure of the speech should also be adapted to the beliefs of audience memebers." (Trenholm P. 278) This would have been useful, to be able to know how to adapt to the audience and how to relay out the message, so I can speak their tone and style. I should have thought more about the audience beliefs and interests. Also the age or gender group. I think of myself as a decent speaker, that is prepared about my speech. Although, after reading about The Audience Adaptation, I will research the audience more. So I'm aware of their common ground, interests and using a familiar style of speech. I can certainly use this on my next speech and gain the audiences attention on a deeper level.

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