Friday, June 18, 2010

*The Social Constructionist perspective

From the moment we are born, we are thrown into a world set with ways of thinking, a certain year and location. We are taught from our guardians and teachers/mentors what is right and wrong. Our own world begins to mold as we communicate more with our peers, guardians and mentors. "We construct our world through communication." (Trenholm P. 30) A lot has to do with where we grew up, our generation, the people we hung out with and even the family we were born into. Each generation has different ways of thinking and have different perspectives on life. The media has changed a lot as well and the leaders in the office, our presidents. For my parents generation, it was a huge deal to have a man of "color" as president and for my generation, we're more open minded to new changes. As far as the TV news media, it is always a hot topic in the United States and we seem to focus more on what kind of dog Paris Hilton has, or what celebrity got the latest DUI or even the latest divorce. And also what the latest hot fashion trends are and how to dress more scandalous. I've had the chance to travel out to England and Australia and noticed their TV news is very different then ours. The news focused more on politics and world news. Not much about celebrity gossip or worthless news. And the people seemed more down to earth, not as much into their looks or having the latest hot item to own. Our culture feeds off of having the latest and greatest, mimicking celebrity fashion trends and/or getting plastic surgery done. Overall, living here in the United States can have it's pro's and con's. We live in the "land of the free" and plenty of tools with great opportunities. Although, it can be very expensive to live here, we seem to consume more then we can own and are obessed with our looks. People in England and Australia seemed more relaxed, down to earth and not so up-tight. Let's not work ourselves to the ground, to just to "fit in". Dare to be different and communicate that concept to another person!

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