Tuesday, July 27, 2010

*Moral dilemmas that face ethnographers*

First off, when I think of moral dilemmas, in general it means to decide on either A or B options; to morally choose an action wisely. As far as ethnographers, they research observe others and use different approaches such as, covert role, overt role, take field notes, informant or presupposition less research. Every situation they're in, they choose which form of research to use and it may effect their results. "Ethnographers want to understand how members of other cultures interpret their world. To do so, ethnographers immerse themselves in a culture in an effort to see it through the eyes of its members." (Trenholm. P. 379) Depending on the case I was given to resolve and to observe, depending on the location and the person; I'd prepare as much information and knowledge that I knew before hand. I'd use the Imformant Method, because people like when someone shows interests within their hobby or culture their apart of. And I feel like I'm a great interviewer and I'd be able to get answers that I wouldn't be able to get by just sitting down and not talking to an individual. People naturally like to be shown their interesting and knowledgeable; therefore I'd get more in sight and information with someone one on one.

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